Material: Stainless Steel
Qualities: Sandblasted Surface, Anatomical Profile, Low Profile, Low Slot Friction, Nickel Free, Biocompatibility, Rounded Edges
Purpose: Correct Crowded Or Crooked Jaw Is Known As Malocclusion
Guideline: Roth
Slot: 022"x 030"(0.56mm x 0.76 mm)
Certification: FDA Approved, CE Approved, ISO (9001:2008), MEDICAL ISO (13485:2003)
Country of Manufacture: Brazil
Package Includes: Morelli Nano Guideline Roth Brackets Kit
Morelli Nano Brackets kits are small, delicate, privilege aesthetics and comfort to the patient. Maintains a high level of biocompatibility, a laser-structured base with FDI notation, and smooth sliding mechanisms.
*Torque and angle measurements follow the values recommended by the guideline.